Erie Skillet Article

This article was published as an insert included with the Wags quarterly newsletter "The Casting Call". Roy G. Meadows, the author of this article has spent many years compiling the information contained in this document and has generously agreed to post it for the public. Roy is always pleased to have dialog with anyone who has questions or additional info. He can be reached through this Forum, which has a large section open to the public, as well as an area for the use of Wags members. You do not have to be a Wags member to visit this forum.


The Wagner & Griswold Society is pleased to provide the latest updates from Roy. G. Meadows, to compliment the Article above, containing his ongoing research on ERIE and other Griswold Skillets (April 2017)


ERIE Chart of Characteristics - 2016

Pattern Maker Marks - 2013 & 2014

Skillet Chart - 2017





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